16 Myers-Briggs Personality Types

In this article, we’ll discuss the sixteen personality types defined by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). You’ll find the key characteristics, as well as the definition for each of the personality type. If you need a quick refresher (or a cheat sheet) on the MBTI types, this article is for you.

MBTI types

List of Myers–Briggs Personality Types

  1. ENFJ – The Giver
  2. ENFP – The Champion
  3. ENTJ – The Commander
  4. ENTP – The Debater
  5. ESFJ – The Caregiver
  6. ESFP – The Performer
  7. ESTJ – The Director
  8. ESTP – The Persuader
  9. INFJ – The Advocate
  10. INFP – The Mediator
  11. INTJ – The Architect
  12. INTP – The Thinker
  13. ISFJ – The Protector
  14. ISFP – The Artist
  15. ISTJ – The Inspector
  16. ISTP – The Crafter

MBTI Personality Types Key Characteristics

1. ENFJ – The Giver

ENFJs are always looking for ways to please others. They are outgoing, idealistic, charismatic, principled, and ethical people. Because of this set of characteristics, an ENFJ can connect with people from all walks of life. ENFJs rely on intuition and feelings more than logic, preferring to live in their heads rather than in the real world.

ENFJ stands for Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging.

2. ENFP – The Champion

Individualism is a strong characteristic of the ENFP personality type.

Champions aren’t followers, and they aren’t fazed by the status quo. Rather, they strive to develop their own methods, appearances, behaviors, habits, and ideas. In other words, they’re pioneers and leaders.

ENFPs despise being forced to live in a box. They enjoy company, as long as it is the “right” company. ENFPs operate based on their feelings. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing because they are extremely perceptive.

ENFP stands for Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving.

3. ENTJ – The Commander

An ENTJ’s major concern is how can they logically managing external circumstances. ENTJs are natural leaders. This personality type thrives when they’re in charge.

ENTJs live in a world of possibilities, therefore challenges are seen as opportunities. They have a natural ability to lead and never hesitate to make decisions. ENTJs are people who like to be in charge and don’t like to sit still and let life happen to them.

ENTJ stands for Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging.

4. ENTP – The Debater

The Debaters (ENTP) are bold and creative. They are capable of deconstructing and reconstructing ideas with excellent mental agility. They are tenacious in the pursuit of their objectives.

The Debater personality type enjoys mental sparring. This allows them to use their broad knowledge and innate ability to connect distinct ideas to prove their points. The Debaters thrive on arguments.

ENTP stands for Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving.

5. ESFJ – The Caregiver

The Caregivers (ESTJ) are observant and people-oriented. They enjoy participating in their social circles. Clear values guide their accomplishments, and they are willing to help others. They are usually described as gregarious and outgoing.

They have a way of inspiring others to be their best, and they believe in the people. The Caregivers are the most likely to have a growth mindset. As managers, they give credits where it’s due.

ESFJ stands for Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging.

6. ESFP – The Performer

The Performers (ESFP) are charismatic entertainers who captivate and mesmerize those around them. They are impulsive, energetic, and fun-loving. They enjoy everything around them, including food, clothing, animals, and people.

ESFPs live for social events and are known for their strong interpersonal skills. True to their extroverted nature, the Performers thrive in groups, where they can entertain and distract others while hogging the limelight.

ESFPs are inquisitive thinkers who enjoy learning and sharing what they discover. They are vivacious and entertaining, and they will never turn down the chance to be the center of attention. They are usually sympathetic and concerned about other people’s well-being.

ESFP stands for Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving.

7. ESTJ – The Director

Traditional values are extremely important to the ESTJ personality type (The Director). Some of these values are order, dedication, honesty, and dignity. This personality type is a firm believer in doing what is morally correct and socially acceptable.

Though the paths to “good” and “right” are difficult to define, the pragmatic ESTJ will often take the lead and do what they think will achieve the best overall outcome. They exemplify what it means to be a good citizen. People frequently turn to ESTJs for advice and guidance, and this personality type is always willing to help.

ESTJ stands for Extroverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging.

8. ESTP – The Persuader

The Persuaders (ESTP) are usually action-oriented and energetic. They’re capable of skillfully navigating out of whatever challenges they face. Sometimes this means actually facing the challenges head-on, if they determine that this is the best path to take. They enjoy exploring life’s possibilities, whether they’re socializing with others or engaging in personal pursuits.

ESTP stands for Extroverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving.

9. INFJ – The Advocate

The Advocate (INFJ) is a person who approaches life with a lot of thought and imagination. Their inner vision, personal values, and principled version of humanism guide them in everything they do. But The Advocates are not idle dreamers; they work hard to achieve their objectives and leave a lasting impression. They leave their impact on the world.

The Advocates are complex and versatile because of their unique combination of personality traits. They can speak with zeal and conviction, especially when defending their ideals.

INFJ stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging.

10. INFP – The Mediator

The Mediator (INFP) is a rare personality type that is quiet, open-minded, and imaginative. They approach everything they do with a caring and creative attitude. They have vibrant, passionate inner lives underneath their quiet exterior.

They enjoy daydreaming, making up all kinds of stories and conversations in their heads. The Mediators are known for their sensitivity; they can have strong emotional reactions to music, nature, art, and the people around them.

INFP stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving.

11. INTJ – The Architect

INFJs (The Architect) are intelligent and thoughtful strategists. They enjoy perfecting the finer points of life. They love combining creativity and logic in everything they do. Their imagination is private and complicated.

The Architects are one of the rarest personality types and also one of the most capable. The Architects may find it difficult to find people who can keep up with their constant analysis of everything around them.

People of this personality type are likely to become interested in systems thinking and organization theories.

INTJ stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging.

12. INTP – The Thinker

INTPs (The Thinker) are known for their brilliant theories and instinctive logic. This makes sense because this personality type is the most logical of them all. INTPs are drawn to patterns, have a keen eye for spotting inconsistencies, and can read people. Because of this, lying to an INTP is not a good idea.

When an INTP finds an environment that allows them to stretch their logically creative muscles, they will dedicate their life and soul to achieve their common goals.

INTP stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving.

13. ISFJ – The Protector

The ISFJ personality type (The Protector) is distinct in that many of its characteristics seem contradictory. Despite their sensitivity, they have excellent analytical abilities. They also have well-developed people skills and strong social relationships. People with this personality type know how to use their strengths to define who they are.

ISFJ stands for Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging.

14. ISFP – The Artist

ISFPs (The Artist) are attracted to things that are beautiful and elegant. They are natural artists and are extremely sensitive to sensory stimulation. They are non-judgmental and tolerant of others, preferring to accommodate rather than cause a commotion. Because they avoid conflict, they have a hard time dealing with argumentative people.

ISFPs don’t want to be leaders, preferring instead to play a supporting role that keeps them out of the spotlight. They may not want to lead, but they will do everything they can within their abilities if they’re put in a managerial position. They are not talkative and prefer to express their emotions through their actions.

ISFP stands for Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving.

15. ISTJ – The Inspector

ISTJs (The Inspector) are dependable and responsible, and they follow the rules. They are the most common personality type. Their primary focus is on performing their duties, and they hold traditions and regulations in high regard. They are well-organized both inside and out.

The Inspectors are not solitary creatures, despite being mostly introverts. They understand their place in the world and do what it takes to meet expectations and deliver what is expected of them. They are frequently found in jobs that maintain social order or where everything is done according to a set of rules.

ISTJ stands for Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging.

16. ISTP – The Crafter

ISTPs (The Crafter) prefer technology because it has logic and order, and they would rather spend hours with it than deal with the complexities of humans. The Crafters have excellent hand-eye coordination and often work with machinery and equipment. They prefer to learn about the practical application of something. The Crafters are reserved in nature and they pride themselves as astute observers.

ISTP stands for Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving.

About Myers–Briggs Type Indicator

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) defines 16 personality types that we’ve discussed above. These personality types are archetypes of people with different psychological preferences.

MBTI is one of the most widely used personality tests. It explains how people process data and interact with one another. It is used by managers and business owners to understand their staff better by getting a glimpse of their preferences and tendencies. It is also used by individuals who are looking to better understand themselves and the people around them.

To determine the personality type, an individual is given a questionnaire to answer that assesses four personality dimensions:-

  • [E] Extraversion vs [I] Introversion
  • [N] Intuition vs [S] Sensing
  • [F] Feeling vs [T] Thinking
  • [P] Perceiving vs [J] Judging

The result of the test is given to them as a four-letter code. This code identifies how you receive and process information, make decisions, spend your energy, and how you see the world.

Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother, Katharine Cook Briggs, developed the MBTI. In 1944, they released the Briggs Myers Personality Handbook. In 1956, they renamed the indicator “Myers–Briggs Type Indicator.” They based their theories on psychologist Carl Jung’s work, but they expanded on it to create a more comprehensive framework of personality typing.


The Myers-Briggs personality test is one of the many ways that can help you understand someone better. That someone could be your staff, team members, or perhaps even your spouse. Another use case of the MBTI is to better understand yourself. By finding out your preferences, you can find a career that really suits your personality or ascertain the direction of the live you’re living. However, many psychologists have debated the test’s reliability and validity. So use it as an additional data point or a suggestion, but never use it as the only basis for any important decision.